
Generate a schedule for a league.

usage: srcomp schedule-league [-h] [-s SPACING] [-r MAX_REPEATED_MATCHUPS]
                              [-a APPEARANCES_PER_ROUND] [--lcg]
                              [--parallel PARALLEL] [-f RESCHEDULE_FROM]

Positional Arguments


competition state git repository

Named Arguments

-s, --spacing

number of matches between any two appearances by a team

Default: 2

-r, --max-repeated-matchups

maximum times any team can face any given other team

Default: 2

-a, --appearances-per-round

number of times each team appears in each round

Default: 1


enable LCG permutation

Default: False


number of parallel threads

Default: 1

-f, --reschedule-from

first match to reschedule from

Default: 0