
Run a command for each of the given matches.

The matches can be specified as a comma-separated list and/or dash-separated ranges. The commands will be run in the numeric order of matches (rather than the given order) and only once per match.

Where a compstate has multiple arenas the command will be run for each arena, in the order the arenas are defined within the compstate. Alternatively a specific arena can be specified to limit the commands to matches in that arena.

A number of placeholders are available for use in your command, so you can control how information about each match is passed to the command. The TLAS placeholder will always include enough entries for every zone in the arena, using ‘-’ to represent an empty zone.

usage: srcomp for-each-match [-h] [--arena ARENA]
                             compstate matches command [command ...]

Positional Arguments


competition state repository


List of matches or match ranges, for example ‘1,3-5’.


Command to run. Supports the following placeholders: ARENA, NUMBER, TLAS, TYPE. Placeholders spelled like {THIS} will be replaced as strings anywhere within the command arguments. Placeholders which are an argument on their own and spelled exactly as @THIS will expand to one or more replacement arguments when the command is run.

Named Arguments


Limit to just one arena. By default the command is run for each arena in turn.