

srcomp deploy [-h] [--verbose] [--skip-host-check] compstate


Deploy the compstate to its various deployments.

This is the canonical way to push a local compstate onto host machines; specifically it will target those specified in the deployments.yaml file within the compstate.

Compstates must not have local changes or untracked files (as reported by git status) and must be valid in order to be deployed.

During deployment, the states of the hosts relative to the current state are checked and the user will be warned if:

  • the state of a host was unavailable (for example due to network errors)

  • the state of a host appears to be more recent than the current state (as determined by git ancestry)

  • the state of a host appears to be unrelated to the current state (again as determined by git ancestry)

In any case, the user is able to continue with the deployment interactively.

The deployments.yaml file contains a list of fully qualified names of machines which have deployments which support triggered updates. An example file might look like this:

  - compbox.local

Host are tried in the order specified in the deployments.yaml file and failures in deploying to any host do not prevent deployment to later hosts.

Each host is assumed to:

  • be running a copy of srcomp-http at /comp-api, from which its current state can be queried

  • have a local user srcomp which has:

    • key-based SSH access enabled using a key available to the user running the command

    • a compstate.git in its home directory

    • an executable file update in its home directory which accepts as single argument the revision being deployed and subsequently calls the function sr.comp.http.update.main() with the path to the live compstate and that revision as the proper sys.argv values.

The usual way to achieve this is to configure a host using srcomp-puppet, which contains the canonical implementation.