
Import a league.yaml from a schedule file.

A schedule file specifies matches one-per-line, as follows:

A ‘match’ consists of a number of unique identifiers separated by pipe characters. The total number of identifiers in the file should be equal to or greater than the number of teams in the compstate.

The number of identifiers in a given match must be a multiple of the number of teams per game (currently 4), up to the number of arenas in the compstate.

Whitespace (other than newlines) within the file is ignored, as is any content to the right of a hash character (#), including the hash. As a result hash characters may be used to start line comments.

Example schedules for 48, 52 or 56 teams are available at:

Teams which are marked as having dropped out before the first match being scheduled will not be considered for inclusion in the schedule.

usage: srcomp import-schedule [-h] [-i IGNORE_IDS] [--extend]
                              [--team-order-strategy {auto,layout,random}]
                              compstate schedule

Positional Arguments


competition state repository


schedule to import

Named Arguments

-i, --ignore-ids

Comma separated list of ids (as present in the schedule file) to ignore.


Whether to replace (the default) or extend the existing league with the matches in the given schedule file.

Default: False


Possible choices: auto, layout, random

How to map schedule ids to TLAs

Default: auto