

Add a delay to the scheduled timings.

This is a convenience wrapper around the add-delay, validate and deploy commands and is roughly equivalent to doing:

$ (cd path/to/compstate \
    && srcomp add-delay . 90s \
    && srcomp validate . \
    && git commit schedule.yaml --message "Adding 90s delay at $(date)"
    && srcomp deploy .)

Command Help

Add and deploy a delay to the competition.

usage: srcomp delay [-h] [--no-pull] [--verbose] [--skip-host-check]
                    compstate how_long [when]

Positional Arguments


competition state repository


How long to delay the competition for. Specify either as a number of seconds or as a string of the form 1m30s.


When the delay should occur. This can be specified in a number of formats: an absolute time (parsed by dateutil), ‘now’, ‘current match’ (the start of the current match slot), ‘<duration> ago’ or ‘in <duration>’ where <duration> is specified as a number of seconds or a string of the form 1m30s. Assumes all times are in the current timezone, regardless of input.

Default: “now”

Named Arguments


skips updating to the latest revision

Default: False


Default: False


skips checking the current state of the hosts

Default: False